

Accurate Estimates

Give us a call to schedule an appointment today

Our portfolio of projects is second to none

Expert Work

Everyone on our team is qualified and certified. with years of experience.

Our experienced electricians can quickly and accurately assess your electrical needs.


We arrive on time to every job we do and with a professional attitude.

Whatever your project, we have the experience

Hampshire office:

Beechnut Electrical Ltd

Unit 7 Beechnut Industrial Estate

Beechnut Road, Aldershot


GU12 4JA

Company Number: 9271852

Call us on

01252 323286

Beechnut Electrical worked outside office hours and often through the night so that it was still 'business as usual' for everyone on the team. That was really important to us.

Every electrical job is different, and each has its unique challenges. The collective experience of our electricians is so broad that they're equipped to handle any challenge that can come up on a job site.

Whether you need us to wire a new installation, be it commercial or industrial, or repair or alter existing services, we bring the best practices and industry knowledge with us to every job. We've worked with many of the big commercial builders and are a highly sought after subcontractor for commercial jobs ranging from large scale to bespoke.

Our domestic track record is just as impressive. We have satisfied customers whose trust we've earned with quality work and the highest levels of professionalism.

01252 323286

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